Tag: photos

Amsterdam #1: Photos

I complained on Twitter that Amsterdam is a bitch of a place to take photos. Somehow, the light is always bad. During the so-called golden hour, when everything looks beautiful, the sun is actually so low in the sky that everything around you is in darkness. And if the sun is any higher, it’s harsh. And most of the time, there’s haze or cloud cover that adds an awful glare.

But I got some good pics. And in several posts to follow next week, I’ll have a few bonus photos.

Amsterdam…the second installment

Mexico Photos

They’re up, over on Flickr. If you jumped on it when I posted some last night, well, go back, because there are oodles more, plus short videos.

First of all, there’s the giant set of general photos, starting out with all the culinary treats, such as this one:

Pozol de Chocolate

(That’s the cold chocolate-corn breakfast thing I mentioned on Facebook. I don’t mind looking ridiculous in this photo because it was so damn good)

Oh, and:

Lap of Lunchery

Pollo asado tastes better when you eat it out of your lap.

Oh, and, and:

Tortilla Tastiness

Whoever it was in San Lorenzo de Zinacantan who thought it would be a good idea to offer tortillas to tourists after they buy some beautiful embroidery work–I salute you! These were the most amazing and simple tortillas, cooked right there, with this funky cheese and earthy ground pumpkin seeds. The taste of Pre-Columbia.

And near the end, there are a few short videos, like this one:

Oh, I’m giving it all away–go look at them all now!

Then there’s a set Peter took while walking around the block in Campeche: fantastic decay next to old-fashioned living rooms, and sometimes both in one place.

Campeche Block 5

And finally, for the typeface fans, a very small set of goofy fonts we saw.


Happy browsing…

I’m Back! Plus, Spain pics…

Back from Syria, overstuffed, exhausted and happy. More on this in a bit, but in the meantime, I’m finally caught up with my previous trip, to Spain–the photos from all over Granada and Almeria are up here on Flickr.

Just a few phrases to get you excited about clicking over:

aged manchego
supermarket souvenirs
creepy clowns
cuttlefish snuff
tortillitas de camaron (really!)
tomato dresses


Poaching, and some advice

And I don't mean eggs. (Which reminds me--how could I have been talking about freebasing eggs, and not make a "this is your brain on drugs" joke? What a waste.)

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Kabab Cafe, for old time’s sake

Same treatment with the ol' KC, reprinted from eGullet, plus more pics on the way. By the way, Ali is kicking ass these days. Sweetbreads, sardines, fantastic duck...

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