Tag: vegetables


victoryIt’s all over the news, so I’m sure you know: The Obamas are planting a vegetable garden. Fan-fucking-tastic! (This is not gratuitous swearing.)

Meanwhile, Hook Echoes is revived! Also fantastic. Jefe, teller of many stories, is in Austin, and I am so envious of his general problem-solving and gardening skillz.

And further meanwhile, I’m about to head to Spain, and I’ll be, by the serendipity of Craigslist, meeting up with and staying chez Heather Coburn Flores, the author of Food Not Lawns. Excellent.

And while I’m doing that, my friend Deb will be planting wildflowers all over Bedford-Stuyvesant. Check out the plans for Bed-Stuy Meadow at 21st Century Plowshare. If we had more actual earth in Astoria, I’d suggest we do it here. But we’re pretty paved over. If you live somewhere with even a little exposed earth, toss some seeds in there. You never know what might happen.

Happy spring!

Kabab Cafe, for old time’s sake

Same treatment with the ol' KC, reprinted from eGullet, plus more pics on the way. By the way, Ali is kicking ass these days. Sweetbreads, sardines, fantastic duck...

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Purslane redux

Now that eGullet has reorganized, the links to the things I had published there are dead. So, a small attempt to salvage. And it's relevant to the sumac mention a couple of posts back--Lebanese fattoush isn't fattoush without sumac...and purslane.

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Mmmm, Montreal

Now I'm _really_ back. Echoing my May itinerary, I did a full North American tour in a week, swapping my bag of sweaty tank tops and sandals for leather pants and a wool sweater and heading up north to Montreal.

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Winding (and wearing) down

Although I don't leave for another five days, I'm getting to that point in the trip where everything starts accelerating--pretty much all my reservations are arranged for the remaining nights, and my list of things to do is very small and manageable.

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The Grilled Duck

This weekend was really a return to the Astoria salad days, when I would spend the day toddling from one fascinating grocery store to another, and then spend hours cooking dinner.

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